Dr. Faludi uses the advanced Cutera Excel V and Genesis V laser systems for a variety of cosmetic treatments for face and body.The Excel V laser incorporates both short and long pulse laser light energy, which allows for non-ablative treatment of a broad range of dermal and vascular conditions. It also features a state-of-the-art sapphire cooling system, which minimizes discomfort during treatment. Patients feel a stinging sensation as the laser pulses are delivered, but in most cases, no pain medication or local anesthesia are required. People who have undergone both sclerotherapy and Excel V laser treatments for spider veins generally report significantly lower levels of discomfort during Excel V treatments, and they are happy to learn that there is no need to wear compression stockings following the Excel V procedure.
We use the Excel V laser system to treat the following conditions:
- Spider and reticular veins
- Cherry angiomas
- Telangiectasia
- Rosacea
- Poikiloderma
- Venous matting
- Diffuse redness
- Hypertrophic scars
- Age spots (lentigos, keratoses)
- Wart removal
- Melasma
- Freckles
- Uneven skin tone
- Dyschromia
- Pigmented skin lesions
- Sun damage